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Friend of Humanity Needy Knife-grinder! whither are you going?Rough is the road, your wheel is out of order -- Bleak blows the blast; -- your hat has got a hole in't, So have your breeches! "Weary Knife-grinder! little think the proud ones, "Tell me, Knife-grinder, how you came to grind knives? "Was it the squire, for the killing of his game? or "(Have you not read the Rights of Man, by Tom
Paine?) Knife-grinder "Story! God bless you! I have none to tell, sir, "Constables came up for to take me into "I should be glad to drink your Honour's health in Friend of Humanity "I give thee sixpence! I will see thee damn'd first --Wretch! whom no sense of wrongs can rouse to vengeance -- Sordid, unfeeling, reprobate, degraded, Spiritless outcast!" [Kicks the Knife-grinder, overturns his wheel, and exits in a transport of Republican enthusiasm and universal philanthropy.]
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Last modified
23 April, 2017