British India

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Lord Minto as Governor General (1807-13)

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Wellesley resigned as Governor General of India in 1805 and was replaced by Lord Minto (1807-13). Minto did not find life as quiet as might have been expected following Wellesley's exploits. Some sepoys had mutinied near Madras and the Mahratta chiefs resented their treatment by the British. The Sikhs of the Punjab, led by Ranjit Singh from his capital at Lahore, had already captured Kashmir from the Afghans and now had designs on neighbouring British territory across the Sutlej River. Minto, however, was soon able to restore internal order and persuaded Ranjit Singh to sign an agreement at Amritsar promising not to cross the Sutlej River. Minto was succeeded as Governor General by the Marquis of Hastings from 1813.

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Last modified 13 February, 2019

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