British Foreign Policy 1815-65

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The Crimean War: topic page


Background to the Crimean War


Narrative of Events

Primary sources

Secondary Sources

Extracts from Christopher Hibbert's The Destruction of Lord Raglan, (Longmans, 1961) appear with the author's kind permission. Copyright, of course, remains with Dr. Hibbert.

  • the organisation of the British army
  • the men in command of the British army (early 1854)
  • the British army at Varna (September 1854)
  • the landing at Eupatoria (September 1854)
  • the March to the Alma (September 1854)
  • the Russian defences at Sevastopol (September 1854)
  • the British camp at Balaclava (September/October 1854)
  • Dissent among the British commanders (October onwards, 1854)
  • the Charge of the Light Brigade (25 October 1854)
  • the condition of the British army in the Crimea (November 1854)
  • the great storm (14 November 1854)
  • chaos at the British camp at Balaclava (December 1854)
  • the nightmare of the Crimea (January/February 1855)
  • improvements in the Crimea (February 1855)

Extract from Cecil Woodham Smith's The Reason Why (New York , McGraw-Hill 1953), pp.242-59.

Maps of the Crimea

Individual biographies


Santa Filomena: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: 1857
Charge of the Light Brigade: Alfred, Lord Tennyson
A contemporary poem

Modern photographs

Illustrative materials

Paintings by William Simpson


Contemporary Cartoons/drawings


Diorama: photographs

My thanks to Brian Jones for allowing me to use these photographs of his work. He is producing a diorama of the Battle of Inkerman

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Last modified 12 January, 2016

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