
The Age of George III

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The government's use of spies: a contemporary view

George Cruikshank, July 1817

Castlereagh is seated on the right, facing Canning. Sidmouth is on the left with an Irish agent called Reynolds. Castle and Oliver are seated in the centre. Canning is saying to Castlereagh, "Don't you think, my Lord, that our friends Castle and Oliver should be sent to Lisbon or somewhere as Consul Generals, or Envoys?" Castlereagh responds, "Can't you negotiate some boroughs?" Meanwhile, John Bull is looking in at the window and saying, "Oh! Oh! I have found out the conspirators at last. Poor starving John is to be ensnared into Criminal acts and then the Projectors and perpetrators are brought forward as principal evidences. This is another Vaughn, Brock and Pelham business and I suppose they are to be made consuls too! The high road to Lord Castlereagh's particular favour - Canning travelled it." On the table is a bag full of radical threats.

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Last modified 12 January, 2016

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