The Age of George III |
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from The Political House that Jack Built.
The illustration shows Viscount Sidmouth (the Doctor), Viscount Castlereagh (Derry-Down Triangle) and George Canning (the Spouter of Froth).
THE DOCTOR: "At his last gasp - as if with opium
DERRY-DOWN TRIANGLE: "He that sold his country".
THE SPOUTER OF FROTH: "With merry descants on a nation's woes - there is
a public mischief in his mirth".
THE GUILTY TRIO: "Great skill have they in palmistry, and
more to conjure clean away the gold they touch.
Conveying worthless dross into its place; Loud when they beg, dumb only when
they steal.
* * * * *
Dream after dream ensues; and still they dream that they shall still succeed,
and still are disappointed.
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Last modified
12 January, 2016